“If We Burn” Movie Screening《血在燒》放映會

cSPACE Marda Loop 1721 29 Avenue Southwest, Suite #225, Calgary, AB, Canada

An immersive journey into 2019 Hong Kong protests, and a meditation on what it means to resist.5年過去,你仲記唔記得2019年嘅夏天?主辦 Host : Echo Theatre- 憑票入場,不設劃位。This is a General Admission event, no seats will […]

The Extraordinary, Ordinary Nature of Interabled Love

cSPACE Marda Loop 1721 29 Avenue Southwest, Suite #225, Calgary, AB, Canada

In her solo art exhibit, Athena Cooper paints the interabled love story between herself and her able-bodied husband highlighting the everyday moments that make up their life together—from the mundane to the life-changing.
