Pastel Nagomi Art Parent-Child Workshop (Family)

cSPACE Marda Loop 1721 29 Avenue Southwest, Calgary, AB, Canada

In this parent-child workshop, create a painting that radiates love and hope. Strengthen your bond and create lasting memories.


Zentangle Taster Workshop (Adult)

cSPACE Marda Loop 1721 29 Avenue Southwest, Calgary, AB, Canada

Zentangle is an easily accessible and relaxing artistic activity. This workshop provides you with a serene space to unwind.


Zentangle Taster Workshop(Family)

cSPACE Marda Loop 1721 29 Avenue Southwest, Calgary, AB, Canada

Zentangle is an easily accessible and relaxing artistic activity. This workshop provides you with a serene space to unwind.


Our Immigration Journeys Discussion Forum

cSPACE Marda Loop- Studio Theatre 1721 29th Ave. SW, Calgary, AB, Canada

Sharing of immigration experiences, strategies to Integrate into Canadian society and the workplace, qualities employers value when hiring.


“Everyphone Everywhere” Advanced Screening

cSPACE Marda Loop 1721 29 Avenue Southwest, Calgary, AB, Canada

25 years after the handover of Hong Kong, Amos Why captures the unusual reunion of three graduates and their relationship with their phones.


“If We Burn” Movie Screening《血在燒》放映會

cSPACE Marda Loop 1721 29 Avenue Southwest, Calgary, AB, Canada

An immersive journey into 2019 Hong Kong protests, and a meditation on what it means to resist.5年過去,你仲記唔記得2019年嘅夏天?主辦 Host : Echo Theatre- 憑票入場,不設劃位。This is a General Admission event, no seats will be assigned. Each ticket admits one.- 不設退票。Tickets are not refundable .-設15分鐘中場休息 There is a 15-minute intermission.-只適合15歲以上人士觀看 Suitable for viewing by 15-year-olds only.-如有任何爭議,Echo Theatre 保留最終決定權。 In […]