Meet a Musician:
Goeff Mackenzie

Meet a Musician: Geoff Mackenzie

Geoff McKenzie: From Novelist Dreams to Folk Song Realities

About Geoff

Geoff McKenzie always wanted to be a novelist. The problem is, all his stories sound so much better over music.

He’d love to tell you about a childhood spent at kitchen parties, learning fiddle tunes at the knee of the family string band while he sang ballads into a wooden spoon. But Geoff is not that guy.

He’s this other guy, raised on Shel Silverstein, John Steinbeck and Leonard Cohen. (Did you know Cohen also wrote songs?) And it’s true that he also stumbled on Ian & Sylvia and Gordon Lightfoot records in the family collection—and what all these scribblers have in common is, they had something they just really needed to tell you.

McKenzie writes songs that are about something. Love and its malfunctions, candied moonlight, at least one murder ballad and the plot of a drugstore novel set to rhyme. He’s a deceitful sort of folksinger who will melt your heart in one song and pawn it for scrap in the next. So maybe his current predicament is only fair: he has on his hands a brood of restless folk songs that will jump in your lap and seize hold of your feelings. The little bastards.

Drugstore Novel, Geoff’s first album, will debut on October 13, 2013.

Did you know Shel Silverstein also wrote songs?

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