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The Extraordinary, Ordinary Nature of Interabled Love

cSPACE Marda Loop 1721 29 Avenue Southwest, Calgary

In her solo art exhibit, Athena Cooper paints the interabled love story between herself and her able-bodied husband highlighting the everyday moments that make up their life together—from the mundane to the life-changing.

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Yann Kayamaré: Guyane mo bel peyi

cSPACE Marda Loop 1721 29 Avenue Southwest, Calgary

Yann Kayamaré, a young photographer from Kourou in French Guiana, is passionate about his homeland and has one desire: to share it with you.

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The Levitation Project by Mathieu Forget

Experience Forgetmat's mesmerizing immersive photographic exhibition, "The Levitation Project," on the 3rd floor of cSPACE until August 3rd.