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Soul/Ful Exhibition

cSPACE Marda Loop 1721 29 Avenue Southwest, Suite #225, Calgary

Kate's work combines portrait photography and projections to eerie effect. World cyclist Darren shares maps, art and writings.

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Who Made You The Judge – Art Exhibition

cSPACE Marda Loop 1721 29 Avenue Southwest, Suite #225, Calgary

A unique social justice art exhibition showcasing several hand-painted, photorealistic portraits and heartwarming and emotional life stories.

Event Series CALL of the UKE

CALL of the UKE

cSPACE Marda Loop 1721 29 Avenue Southwest, Suite #225, Calgary

Do you enjoy singing and playing in a group setting? If so, the CALL of the UKE Interest Group is calling you!

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Who Made You The Judge – Meet the Artist!

cSPACE Marda Loop 1721 29 Avenue Southwest, Suite #225, Calgary

Meet the artist behind a unique social justice art exhibition showcasing hand-painted, photorealistic portraits and emotional life stories.
