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“If We Burn” Movie Screening《血在燒》放映會

July 20 @ 1:00 pm - 5:30 pm

An immersive journey into 2019 Hong Kong protests, and a meditation on what it means to resist.5年過去,你仲記唔記得2019年嘅夏天?

主辦 Host : Echo Theatre

– 憑票入場,不設劃位。This is a General Admission event, no seats will be assigned. Each ticket admits one.

– 不設退票。Tickets are not refundable .

-設15分鐘中場休息 There is a 15-minute intermission.

-只適合15歲以上人士觀看 Suitable for viewing by 15-year-olds only.

-如有任何爭議,Echo Theatre 保留最終決定權。 In case of disputes, Echo Theatre reserves the right for final decision.


Hong Kong / 2023 / Colour / 265 mins / In Cantonese and English with Chinese and English subtitles / Dir. James LEONG and Lynn LEE


Unlike documentaries that rely heavily on footage found on the news or social media, both directors of If We Burn stood on the frontline of the 2019 Anti-ELAB movement and, with their skilful cinematography, captured shocking images of the movement, leaving behind precious historical records. With their outstanding editing skills, the film crystalised the blood and toil of those five months of a Hong Konger’s life and turned it into a 265-minute epic piece, with never a dull moment.

梁思眾和李成琳導演合作無間,十多年間走訪世界各地抗爭現場,憑着一部又一部出色記錄片, 屢獲殊榮。代表作包括2015年香港華語紀錄片節最佳紀錄長片大獎《烏坎:執政風雨》和2018年台灣金馬獎入圍最佳紀錄片《傘上:遍地開花》等。

Directors James LEONG and Lynn LEE have been long-time filming partners. They have visited protest scenes worldwide in the past ten years and produced one after another award-winning documentary. Their representative pieces include Wukan: The Village Committee, awarded Best Feature at the Chinese Documentary Festival in 2015, and Umbrella Diaries: The First Umbrella nominated for Best Feature Documentary at the Golden Horse Awards in 2018.

2020年,「製作中」的《血在燒》榮獲第12屆DMZ韓國國際紀錄片電影節「Next Award」,並入選荷蘭鹿特丹國際影展(IFFR)「香港製造﹕平凡英雄 」單元。2023年初電影完整版載譽回歸IFFR全球首映,獲觀眾評選為十大最喜愛影片。

In 2020, a work-in-progress If We Burn won the Next Award at the 12th DMZ International Documentary Film Festival and was selected in the International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR) under the “Ordinary Heroes: Made in Hong Kong” series. In 2023, a worldwide premiere of the film’s full version was set at the IFFR and selected as the audience’s Top 10 favourite film.


After 5 long years, we still dare not forget about this all. And now, let us revisit the protest scene and every decision we made during that time.


July 20
1:00 pm - 5:30 pm


cSPACE Marda Loop
1721 29 Avenue Southwest
Calgary, AB T2T 6T7 Canada