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Children’s Theatre “The Snail and The Whale”

September 3, 2023 @ 11:00 am - 11:45 am

“No matter how big or small your dream is; a whale will take you on a journey around the world.”

The Snail and the Whale

The story is about a baby snail who is curious about everything around her. She lives with her family on a rock, who longs to see the big wide world. Slowly, slowly, very slowly crawls the snail, how long will it take for her to visit the world? Suddenly, a whale arrives in a moonlit night and an idea pops up in baby snail’s mind. How about I hold on to the whale’s tail and convince him to travel with me. A dynamic and mysterious adventure story now begins…

《小海螺與大鯨魚》製作人員表「The Snail and the Whale」Production Team

監製 Producer:李惜英 Vivian Li,鄭頌琦 Joyce Cheng,李思敏 Veronica Lee

藝術總監 Art Director/編劇 Playwright/導演 Director /演員 Actor:林英𠎀 Even Lam

演員 Actor:鄧宇廷 Adam Tang

編劇 Playwright/填詞 Lyricist:莫嘉紋 Carmen Mok

作曲 Composer:鄧彥邦 Micheal Tang

技術人員 Technician : Skinny


  • 適合觀賞年齡 歲兒童 4-8 years old
  • 需最少一位成人家長陪同
  • 每票只限一人進場,小童不論年齡亦須憑票入場,小童須由年滿18歲或以上的人士陪同方可進入。
  • 憑票入場,不設劃位。
  • 不設退票。
  • 如有任何爭議,
  • Echo Theatre 保留最終決定權。

Recommended age : 4 – 8 and should be accompanied by an adult.
Each ticket admits one.
Children of all ages must also present a ticket for entry. Children under or the age of 12 must be accompanied by someone who is 18 years old or older to be allowed entry.
This is a General Admission event, no seats will be assigned.
Tickets are not refundable.
In case of disputes, Echo Theatre reserves the right for final decision.


主辦 Host : 卡加利香港文化節 Hong Kong Culture Day@YYC ; Echo Theatre

冠名贊助 Title Sponsor: Platinum Mitsubishi

鑽石贊助 Diamond Sponsor: Trico Homes

金贊助 Diamond Sponsor: BDC Dental


cSPACE Marda Loop- Studio Theatre
1721 29th Ave. SW
Calgary, AB T2T 6T7 Canada