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Paper Craft Workshop (for family) at Hong Kong Culture Days

August 31, 2024 @ 11:00 am - 12:30 pm

Led by craftsman artist Amanda Cheng, this workshop is a hands-on Chinese paper crafting experience.

導師Amanda Cheng 是仙之居(紙藝)設計工作室創辦人, 也是一位紙藝師及藝術家。在她的帶領下,參加者有機會親身體驗紙藝製作。此工作坊聯繫到人與人之間的關係,並為紙紮工藝品的刻板認知帶出新觀點。

Led by craftsman and artist Amanda Cheng, founder of Soul House (Paper Art) Design Studio, the workshop will be a hands-on experience bringing a new perspective to the tradition of Chinese paper craft offerings, and a reflection on the themes of connection and relationship.


Workshop details:

時間 Time:August 31,2024 11:00-12:30

名額Class Size:6對(親子Family)

收費Fee:$20/對(包括材料 Materials are included)

地點Venue:Multi-functional Room, 4th Floor, cSPACE, 1721 29 Ave SW, Calgary, AB T2T 6T7

導師Instructor:立體紙藝及麵塑藝術家Amanda Cheng , Artist of Paper Craft and figurine

*票價不包括Eventbrite 手續費 Eventbrite service fee is not included in the above ticket price)

  • 不設退票。Tickets are not refundable .
  • 如有任何爭議,Echo Theatre 保留最終決定權。 In case of disputes, Echo Theatre reserves the right for final decision.
  • 主辦 Host : 卡加利香港文化節 Hong Kong Culture Day@YYC ; Echo Theatre


cSPACE Marda Loop
1721 29 Avenue Southwest
Calgary, AB T2T 6T7 Canada