Meet an Artist:
Kathy Lewis

Meet an Artist: Kathy Lewis

A Senior Artist Gets Their Wish

Thanks to the generosity of the wish granting arm of  The Chartwell Foundation for seniors, and support from cSPACE Projects, retired textile artist Kathy Lewis presents an exhibition of new paintings from June 10-29.

At cSPACE Marda Loop from June 10-29. Level 1 Gallery.

Artist Biography and Statement – Kathy Lewis

Sometimes we are drawn into things by the influences around us; at other times we reach out and try something new – only to discover we love it. Of course, the opposite result can occur and so we move on. My influences have been all of these and more.

I was a tapestry weaver in the 1970’s in Vancouver. Maybe being a Scandinavian Canadian (born in Finland) means that art and design are in my DNA. In Calgary, post-retirement, I took painting classes looking for something new to do – and then painting became my ‘retirement project’. I have taken classes at the Kerby Centre, Swinton’s studios, and am continually learning through on-line classes, including a modern art gallery class at MOMA, NY. 

Lately, art books, gallery visits, TV and the news have influenced my work. My work could be called ‘eclectic’. I do not follow any one style or genre but prefer to paint as the ideas come. I generally feel each painting is an ‘experiment’ as I always learn something new along the way. At times the painting stretches itself and changes as I work on it (see “Jasper Almost’ where the lake and mountains grew beyond their reality). I generally accept whatever happens although, at times, I will make changes. 

In the past I have exhibited at the Calgary Stampede in the Western Arts and Crafts displays. I’ve also participated in the ‘Christmas in the Country’ show and sale at the Leighton Art Centre in the countryside near Millarville. For a time, I was a member of the Canadian Federation of Artists with the Calgary chapter of the CFA. As challenges have caused me to slow down, I have discontinued my CFA membership. 

I am grateful to the Chartwell Foundation for granting my wish to have a gallery show of my paintings. Who knew this senior would be selected! It is very heartwarming to be able to share my efforts and feel them appreciated by others. I hope you enjoy the show. 

To purchase, contact me directly via e-mail (I have no cell phone). I will check regularly. Prices are open to negotiation. 

Please use ART as your e-mail subject line. 

Thank you. E-mail:

Read more about the Chartwell Foundation and how they help seniors realize their dreams here:

Calgary Fundraiser Will Help Charity Grant Wishes For Seniors